Vendors approach LSI to resell their products, while we help them find the right customers. We are a reseller that understands how to connect companies with the right-fit software for their business needs.
Choose the Right Product for Your Enterprise

Software Reselling for Unique Needs
We understand the technological demands of today’s business world; we offer a full reselling service where enterprises like Microsoft can sell their products. Vendors approach us demanding a specific product and we resell it based on their requirements and strengths.
Sell Your Solution Through Us
Becoming part of our network of partners opens doors for your business. LSI is constantly connecting software solutions vendors with new clients and fresh businesses. Join forces with us and let LSI become a licensed reseller of your product, ensuring your solution finds its targets among our clientele.
Find your Certified Vendor with Us
We provide reselling options from certified vendors for partners such as (insert logos) IBM, SAS, Oracle, Microsoft, Dassault Systems and more.